Publisher's columns

Group Hug for TSA

These days much of what you see in the press is negative. And part of the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of my brothers and sisters in the media. Some feel that it's easier to sell subscriptions and ads with outrageous or negative headlines, stories and images. I think that's just lazy.

Good Grief! It's Hangar With an "a"

One of my recent Google Alerts included a newspaper article about an aviation company that received a grant to help fund its new corporate office complex. Part of the project was going to include a "hanger." Yes, hanger with an "e" instead of an "a."

Western Michigan Scores Big

No, I'm not talking football. But there's something brewing at airports in the western part of Michigan that's worth cheering for.


It's no accident that newspapers don't let newsmakers write the news. There are issues of research, time, credibility, balance and ultimately publication readership. The same shouldbe said for credible industry and business-to-business publications

Big Thanks

You're about to page through our largest edition ever. It's a hefty 88 pages, with 14 stories, a couple personal perspective columns and plenty of pertinent industry advertising-all bound for four trade shows: ACI-NA, Boyd Forecast Summit, NASAO and SWIFT. Whew, I get winded just thinking about it!

Where to Turn?

Like many people of our vintage, my wife is handling more and more of her aging mother's affairs. After her recent move into an assisted care facility, there was a lot of follow-up paperwork. Our experience changing my mother-in-law's address with one insurance carrier was particularly frustrating.

Got CSR?

Harkening back to my early days in business school at UW-Whitewater, I'm reminded of freshman speech class. I like to talk, so giving speeches was no big deal. However, before we began writing, practicing and delivering speeches, much of our time centered on the topic of listening. That's right, listening.

Good Ideas to Pass Along

We’ve been getting a lot of press releases lately reporting individual airports’ annual passenger counts. And the news is good!

Fresh Blood

There are certain moments in life that stick with you forever. I vividly remember my first AAAE annual conference at the Dallas Loews (or whatever it was called back in 1993). The airport industry was new to me, and it was quite intimidating to watch industry veterans interact so easily.

Oh, What a Feeling!

Over the last few months or so, I've detected a change in attitude, and this sense was validated at the national conferences I attended in fall. What is it, you ask? That airports and other aviation sectors are now enjoying the best of times.

Who's Your Role Model?

Recently, I read an article about the steps Pfizer has taken to shape its internal culture. It really caught my attention that the pharmaceutical giant explicitly uses the provocative phrase "no jerks" to convey how management expects employees to behave.

Carpe Diem

Recently, I had a spirited discussion with a friend about a particular airport. After quite a bit of back and forth about what is good and not so good about the facility, my friend finally said, "I don't know what the big deal is. It's very functional."

Show Me the Money ... & the Innovation

Money and airport funding are definitely vital ingredients for creating and maintaining healthy airports. But I submit that there's another topic that should receive equal billing: innovation.

Identity Crisis or Opportunity?

Remarkable architecture can instantly telegraph specific locations. Show many people a certain famous opera house, arch and tower, and they'll easily name the cities of Sydney, St. Louis and Paris, respectively. Here in the airport industry, we have our own share of memorable architecture: Denver International's iconic white fabric peaks, the distinctive curved forms around the control tower at LAX, and even the blue-green carpeting at Portland International.

Confessions of a Technology Junkie

I love technology. It's the great enabler. Publishing a magazine is so much easier and efficient now that we download files rather than hand-assemble wax-coated strips of text and paper photos. And our online edition and website provide additional sources with even more content.

What’s Good for the Goose...

It's a New Year. We have the same party in both houses of Congress, Moody's has changed its outlook for the U.S. airport industry to positive from stable, and both enplanement growth and the U.S. economy are expected to be robust in 2015...


FREE Whitepaper

PAVIX: Proven Winner for All Airport Concrete Infrastructure

PAVIX: Proven Winner for All Airport Concrete Infrastructure

International Chem-Crete Corporation (ICC) manufactures and sells PAVIX, a unique line of crystalline waterproofing products that penetrate into the surface of cured concrete to fill and seal pores and capillary voids, creating a long lasting protective zone within the concrete substrate.

Once concrete is treated, water is prevented from penetrating through this protective zone and causing associated damage, such as freeze-thaw cracking, reinforcing steel corrosion, chloride ion penetration, and ASR related cracking.

This white paper discusses how the PAVIX CCC100 technology works and its applications.



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