Getting Back on Track

Paul Bowers

Let it be said that we are a resilient industry, people. Those so-called experts who predicted that the post-pandemic traffic recovery would be measured in years, not months, missed the mark.

Yes, the COVID-19 crisis was tragic. But its impact to our industry is temporary, with the long-term trajectory of passenger growth uninterrupted.

So what have we learned from this recent experience?

1. Aviation continues its unmistakable upward long-term growth.

2. Innovation is born in times of crisis.

3. Models for airport design predicated on social distancing requirements were a waste of time and money.

4. Airports that continued to prepare for growth during the pandemic are being rewarded. The temporary hiatus of passenger traffic afforded teams to complete projects faster and at lower costs. These airports are now better prepared for the resurgent traffic and associated revenue that comes with it.

5. Airports that shelved projects due to a predicted long-term slump are now literally paying for their lack of activity in the form of higher prices, labor shortages and extended completion dates.

Throughout the pandemic, Airport
magazine has highlighted
airports and project teams that prepared for the return of passengers that we are experiencing
today. Fortunately, there was a plethora of them to choose
from. Thank you for sharing your stories.

I also want to thank our advertisers who had the courage and vision to see the path forward for our airports, as well as their own businesses, by investing in our industry.

I’m excited for all of us and welcome what the future will bring.



FREE Whitepaper

Fairbanks International Airport Baggage Transport Conveyor Enhanced With Mod Drive™ System

Fairbanks International Airport Baggage Transport Conveyor Enhanced With Mod Drive™ System

Airports face a host of unique industry challenges, such as meeting efficiency regulations and seeking out the best maintenance practices to reduce costs and keep operations flowing. In today’s current economic climate, any potential cost savings can go a long way. 

In 2019, Alaska’s Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) sought to modernize its equipment and operations. They were dissatisfied with the performance of the gearmotors on their baggage transport conveyors and began searching for new suppliers. Regal approached FAI with a solution that could improve equipment performance and simplify maintenance, with the added benefit of energy cost savings: the Hub City® MOD Drive™ system.

This white paper discusses the hardware deployed, the test results and the annualized expectations for ROI.


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