A Powerful PR Tool

Paul Bowers

I’m always hunting for good airport stories. And my searches regularly involve scoping out airport websites. Like airports, it’s safe to say that when you’ve seen one airport website, you’ve seen just that—one website.

Sometimes it feels like basic information is displayed on a need-to-know basis. Finding a point of contact, phone number or other crucial details is challenging, if not impossible. Other sites haven’t been updated in years.

In the glass-is-half-full category, there are some airport websites that truly dazzle me. Each click is like unwrapping a box with multiple presents inside.

Recently, Gerald R. Ford International unveiled its new Elevate website at https://flyford.org/elevate/. It was specifically designed to provide information on projects in the airport’s capital expansion program. Not only is the website graphically appealing, but it really hits the mark on delivering pertinent information.

How is it different? Projects profiled start with a timeline, a description of what is going to happen, and the justification for undertaking each project. How the project will be paid for is also addressed. Next come the benefits to travelers. Also included is one of my favorites: a listing of partners helping the airport with the project and a link to their websites. And all of this is followed by renderings or sketches of what the finished work will look like.

Kudos to GRR for its work on this. I hope more airports follow GRR’s lead on its website enhancement (though some already have this type of coverage). The messaging is appropriate for airport employees, passengers and community members, as well as airport business partners. It’s inclusive for everyone who matters.

P.S. It’s also a good way to let a certain airport publication know about projects that might make great stories in a future issue!


FREE Whitepaper

Fairbanks International Airport Baggage Transport Conveyor Enhanced With Mod Drive™ System

Fairbanks International Airport Baggage Transport Conveyor Enhanced With Mod Drive™ System

Airports face a host of unique industry challenges, such as meeting efficiency regulations and seeking out the best maintenance practices to reduce costs and keep operations flowing. In today’s current economic climate, any potential cost savings can go a long way. 

In 2019, Alaska’s Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) sought to modernize its equipment and operations. They were dissatisfied with the performance of the gearmotors on their baggage transport conveyors and began searching for new suppliers. Regal approached FAI with a solution that could improve equipment performance and simplify maintenance, with the added benefit of energy cost savings: the Hub City® MOD Drive™ system.

This white paper discusses the hardware deployed, the test results and the annualized expectations for ROI.


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